Termination of a 12-Week Pregnancy: Medical and Surgical Options 

Terminating a pregnancy at 12 weeks can be accomplished using either medical or surgical methods, each with specific procedures, benefits, and considerations.

Medical Termination: Mifepristone and Misoprostol

The combination of mifepristone and misoprostol can be used to medically terminate a pregnancy up to 12 weeks. 

  • Mifepristone blocks progesterone, necessary for pregnancy maintenance, leading to the thinning of the uterine lining. 
  • Misoprostol, taken 24-48 hours later, induces uterine contractions to expel pregnancy tissue. 


  1. Consultation: Confirm pregnancy and gestational age through ultrasound and discuss the process. 
  2. Mifepristone: Take 200 mg orally. 
  3. Misoprostol: Take 800 mcg 24-48 hours later, either buccally, sublingually, or vaginally. Additional doses may be necessary. 
  4. Monitoring: Expect cramping and bleeding. The process can take several hours to a few days. 
  5. Follow-Up: Within 1-2 weeks, ensure the abortion is complete. 

Side Effects and Risks:

  • Common: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, heavy bleeding, cramping. 
  • Risks: Incomplete abortion, infection, heavy bleeding. 

Surgical Termination: Dilation and Curettage (D&C)

D&C is a surgical method to terminate a 12-week pregnancy. 


  1. Consultation: Review medical history and conduct a physical exam. 
  2. Preparation: Change into a gown and lie on an examination table. 
  3. Anesthesia: Administer local or general anesthesia for comfort. 
  4. Dilating the Cervix: Use thin rods or medication to gently dilate the cervix. 
  5. Curettage: Use a curette and suction to remove pregnancy tissue from the uterus. 
  6. Confirmation: Perform an ultrasound to ensure the uterus is empty. 

Aftercare and Support:

  • Physical Aftercare: Rest, avoid strenuous activities, use sanitary pads, and follow pain management guidelines. 
  • Emotional Support: Seek support from friends, family, or counseling services. 


Both medical and surgical options for terminating a 12-week pregnancy are effective but require careful consideration and professional medical guidance. Always consult with a healthcare provider to determine the most suitable method for your specific circumstances and to ensure proper care and support throughout the process.