Best drugs for early abortion?

The best drugs for abortion are a 2 drug combination of mifepristone and misoprostol, under the guidance of a specialist, medical doctor

Is abortion safe?

Abortion is an extremely safe procedure when performed under proper medical conditions and with the guidance of a qualified medic. In the recent times, less than 1% of all Kenyan get abortion related complications.

What is a medication abortion?

A Medication abortion involves the administration of drugs to terminate a pregnancy. Typically, its two drugs – mifepristone and misoprostol used in combination. Medication abortion is generally an option only in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy and under supervision if the pregnancy is larger than 10 weeks.

What’s the difference between emergency contraception (EC) and medication abortion?

EC is a form of birth control that prevents pregnancy after unprotected sex. It can be taken up to five days after unprotected sex. EC doesn’t end a pregnancy and won’t work if you’re pregnant. EC can be purchased over the counter. Medication abortion ends a pregnancy. It can be prescribed up to 10 weeks into pregnancy. Unlike EC, medication abortion can’t be obtained over the counter and can only be dispensed by a clinician.

Why do people have abortions later in pregnancy?

Almost 90% of abortions occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. People obtain abortions later in pregnancy for reasons that include

  • Delayed knowledge of the pregnancy,
  • Changed life circumstances,
  • Foetal anomaly,
  • Delays in finding an appropriate service provide.

Do people who already have children choose to get abortions?

About six in 10 people who get abortions have one child already. About three in 10 have two or more children.

Are women living with HIV more vulnerable to complications from unsafe abortions?

Women living with HIV are particularly susceptible to infection and complications that could result from unsafe abortion procedures. Many people living with HIV experience co-infections resulting from a weakened immune system. “Ensuring that safe abortion is available and accessible to the full extent allowed by law to women living with HIV who do not want to carry a pregnancy to term is essential to preserving their reproductive health” (WHO, 2006)

How does Tele Abortion work?

Patients must be 70 days (10 weeks) pregnant or less when they take the first pill, and have proper communication with our team either via mobile or WhatsApp

Does abortion lead to depression, cancer, and infertility?

Medical research shows that abortion does not increase a woman’s chance of depression or cancer, or impact future fertility.

Is a later-term abortion safe?

Second-trimester D&E is considered to be a very safe and effective medical procedure. Although there are potential complications, they’re extremely less frequent than the complications of giving birth